The Benefits of the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 for Children


Your best choice for the kids


The Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is a revolutionary device that has been specifically designed with children in mind. With its high-quality features and specifications, it offers an exceptional user experience that is both smooth and fast. This tablet runs on the latest Android 11.0 operating system, ensuring compatibility with the latest apps and games for children. Powered by a powerful A133 Quad-core CPU, it provides seamless performance, allowing kids to navigate through various applications effortlessly.

One of the standout features of the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is its vibrant HD display. With a resolution of 1024*600, this tablet offers stunning visuals that bring content to life. Whether it's watching their favorite cartoons or playing educational games, children will be captivated by the vivid colors and sharp details displayed on the screen.

In addition to its impressive display, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 also offers ample storage for games, apps, and multimedia content. With 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage, children can download their favorite apps and games without worrying about running out of space. Parents can also rest assured knowing that there is plenty of room to store educational materials that can aid in their child's learning and development.

Manufactured by Peicheng QPS, a leading professional manufacturer and exporter of Tablet PCs, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is a reliable and durable device for kids. Peicheng QPS has established itself as a trusted brand in the industry, known for producing high-quality products that meet stringent quality standards.


Smooth and Fast User Experience

The Kids Tablet 2kid-17 offers a smooth and fast user experience, thanks to its advanced features and technologies. With the Android 11.0 operating system, this tablet provides a seamless and intuitive interface for children to navigate. The latest version of Android brings several benefits that enhance the overall user experience.

Firstly, Android 11.0 introduces improved performance optimizations, making the tablet run more efficiently. This means that apps load faster, multitasking is smoother, and overall responsiveness is greatly enhanced. Children can switch between their favorite games, educational apps, and videos without any lag or delays.

Furthermore, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 takes full advantage of the powerful A133 Quad-core CPU. This high-performance processor ensures that all tasks are executed swiftly and seamlessly. Whether it's playing graphics-intensive games or running multiple apps simultaneously, this tablet can handle it all with ease.

The A133 Quad-core CPU delivers exceptional processing power, allowing children to enjoy a seamless multitasking experience. They can effortlessly switch between different apps without experiencing any slowdowns or freezes. This is particularly useful when they are using educational apps alongside entertainment ones.

In addition to its processing power, the A133 Quad-core CPU also contributes to energy efficiency. It intelligently manages power consumption, ensuring that the tablet operates optimally while conserving battery life. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that their child's tablet will last throughout the day without needing frequent recharging.


Vibrant HD Display and Ample Storage

The Kids Tablet 2kid-17 boasts a vibrant HD display and ample storage capacity, making it the perfect device for children to enjoy their favorite games, videos, and educational apps. The tablet features an impressive HD1024*600 resolution display that delivers stunning visuals with vivid colors and sharp details. This high-quality display ensures that children can fully immerse themselves in their favorite content, whether it's watching videos or playing games.

With its HD resolution, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 offers a superior viewing experience compared to other tablets on the market. The vibrant colors and sharp image quality make every video come to life, allowing children to enjoy their favorite shows and movies with stunning clarity. Whether they're watching cartoons or educational videos, the HD display ensures that every detail is crystal clear.

In addition to its impressive display, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 also provides ample storage capacity with its 2GB RAM and 32GB ROM. This generous storage allows children to download and install a wide range of apps, games, and educational content without worrying about running out of space. They can have all their favorite apps at their fingertips, ready to be accessed whenever they want.

The 2GB RAM ensures smooth performance and quick app loading, allowing children to switch between different apps seamlessly. They won't have to deal with lag or slow response times when using the tablet, ensuring a frustration-free user experience. Whether they're playing graphics-intensive games or running multiple apps simultaneously, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 can handle it all effortlessly.

Furthermore, the ample storage capacity allows children to store their photos, videos, and other files without having to constantly delete old ones. They can capture precious memories using the built-in 2.0+5.0mp camera and save them directly on the tablet for future reminiscing. The camera quality ensures clear and vibrant photos that truly capture the moment.


Built-in Camera for Capturing Memories

The Kids Tablet 2kid-17 comes equipped with a 2.0+5.0mp camera, allowing children to capture their favorite moments and create lasting memories. The camera's resolution and quality are impressive, ensuring that the photos taken are clear and vibrant. With this feature, children can document their adventures, whether it's a family vacation or a fun day at the park.

The 2.0+5.0mp camera allows children to express their creativity through photography. They can experiment with different angles, lighting, and subjects to capture unique shots. Whether it's a close-up of a flower or a wide-angle shot of their friends playing, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17's camera provides endless possibilities for young photographers.

Capturing memories is an important part of a child's development. It allows them to reflect on past experiences and share them with others. With the built-in camera on the Kids Tablet 2kid-17, children can document their growth and progress over time. From their first steps to their first bike ride without training wheels, every milestone can be captured and cherished.

In addition to capturing still photos, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17's camera also supports video recording. Children can record videos of themselves singing, dancing, or performing skits, fostering their creativity and self-expression. These videos can be shared with family members or friends, creating connections and building relationships.

The camera on the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is designed with safety in mind. Parents can set restrictions on photo sharing and ensure that only approved contacts have access to the photos taken by their child. This feature provides peace of mind for parents while still allowing children to enjoy the benefits of capturing memories.


Long-lasting Battery

The Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is equipped with a powerful 3000MA battery, ensuring a long-lasting and uninterrupted usage experience for children. This feature is particularly beneficial during long trips or car rides when access to charging ports may be limited. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that their child will be entertained and engaged throughout the journey without worrying about the tablet running out of battery.

With the Kids Tablet 2kid-17's long battery life, children can enjoy hours of educational games, videos, and apps without any interruptions. Whether it's a road trip or a flight, this tablet will keep children entertained and occupied throughout the journey. The 3000MA battery provides ample power to last for extended periods, reducing the need to constantly search for charging outlets or carry around bulky power banks.

Not only does the long-lasting battery ensure uninterrupted usage, but it also allows children to fully immerse themselves in their favorite activities without any time constraints. They can explore educational apps, read e-books, watch videos, and play games for an extended period before needing to recharge the device.

Parents can also take advantage of the tablet's long battery life by using it as a tool for learning on-the-go. Whether it's practicing math skills or learning a new language, children can engage in productive activities even when they're away from home. The Kids Tablet 2kid-17's reliable battery ensures that learning opportunities are not limited by time or location.



The Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is truly a remarkable device designed specifically for children. With its high-quality construction and reliable performance, it offers a range of benefits that make it an excellent choice for parents and guardians looking to provide their children with a safe and educational tablet experience.

One of the standout features of the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is its smooth and fast user experience. Powered by the latest Android 11.0 operating system and equipped with a powerful A133 Quad-core CPU, this tablet ensures that children can navigate through apps, games, and educational content seamlessly. The responsive touch screen allows for easy interaction, making it a joy for kids to use.

In addition to its impressive performance, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 boasts a vibrant HD display that brings content to life. With a resolution of 1024*600, images are crisp and colors are vivid, providing an immersive viewing experience for children. Whether they're watching videos, playing games, or reading e-books, the clarity of the display enhances their engagement and enjoyment.

Furthermore, this tablet offers ample storage space with its 32GB ROM. This means that children can download their favorite apps, games, and educational content without worrying about running out of space. Parents can rest assured knowing that their kids have access to a wide range of age-appropriate materials that will keep them entertained and engaged for hours on end.

Another notable feature of the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is its built-in camera. With a 2.0+5.0mp camera, children can capture special moments and express their creativity through photography. Whether they're documenting family outings or taking selfies with friends, this tablet allows them to explore their world from behind the lens.

To top it all off, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 comes equipped with a long-lasting 3000MA battery. This means that children can enjoy uninterrupted playtime and learning sessions without constantly needing to recharge. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that their kids won't be left disappointed by a dead battery during important activities or long car rides.

In conclusion, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is a reliable, durable, and feature-rich tablet that offers numerous benefits for children. From its smooth user experience and vibrant HD display to its ample storage and built-in camera, this tablet provides an immersive and engaging platform for learning, entertainment, and creativity. Manufactured by Peicheng QPS, a leading professional manufacturer and exporter of Tablet PCs, the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 is a trusted choice for parents and guardians seeking a high-quality device for their children. Consider investing in the Kids Tablet 2kid-17 to provide your child with endless possibilities for growth, exploration, and fun.


